
FF181 – MOS2 Wirerope Fluid

Extremely tenacious lubricant designed to penetrate & lubricate heavily loaded wire ropes, cables and all moving parts on trawlers, conveyors, winches, quarry equipment, drag lines, hoists etc.


This fluid wire rope lubricant is designed to meet the lubrication and corrosion prevention requirements of wire ropes working under all conditions. Typical application areas are dockside and ship crane ropes, drag lines, hoists and mobile cranes where a spray-able rope lubricant is preferred. MOS2 WIREROPE FLUID penetrates between the rope strands to provide integral lubrication and to provide both internal and external protection against corrosion caused by wet, adverse weather conditions and sea water.

Typical uses
High performance lubricant suitable for the lubrication of wire ropes, cables and chains working in a wide range of adverse conditions in the most difficult and challenging environments facing maintenance and production managers/fitters within any industries. Use in place of solid grease to reduce product waste. FF181 will not attract dirt , grit and dust. Particularly suited to protecting cables working in saline conditions including dockside and marine applications.